QR Code (Quick Response) is a type of two-dimensional barcode capable of containing a large amount of information in a small space. In an access control system, QR codes are used as a means to verify identity and access rights. Users simply scan the QR code with a reader device to gain access to a specific area.

  1. An access control system using QR technology includes
  • Mobile device containing the QR code: Contains personal identification information.
  • QR reader: Reads information from the QR code.
  • Controller: Verifies information from the reader and decides access.
  • Software system: Manages databases, rules, and access history, providing an interface for managing data and access reports.
  • Electronic door lock: Unlocks when access is verified.

2. QR code technology in access control is gradually becoming an effective, secure, and convenient solution, widely applied in various fields from offices and schools to events and public facilities.

  • Security: Replaces traditional cards. QR codes, especially dynamic QR codes, are much more secure than traditional cards.
  • Guest management: Automates the registration process, saving time and effort.
  • Tracking traffic: Records entry and exit times, analyzes traffic, and manages space efficiently.

3. Advantages

  • Security and safety: Dynamic QR codes are only valid for a certain period or number of uses, reducing the risk of unauthorized use.
  • Convenience and flexibility: Users can receive QR codes via phone, email, or app, without needing physical cards or keys.
  • Cost reduction and increased efficiency: Using QR codes saves management costs and time, making it more convenient for users.

4. DUALi’s QR technology access control system:

4.1. For devices:

  • Diverse types of QR readers suitable for access control systems with flexible designs, can be installed outdoors.
  • DUALi readers provide an open SDK, easily integrated with many management systems.

4.2. For access control software solutions

  • Clear control panel
  • Extensive integration with third parties
  • Easy access anytime, anywhere
  • Support for remote management

For specific consultation on the QR technology in access control, please contact us:
Email: [email protected] or hotline: 0904 609 689