NFC (short for Near-Field Communication) is a close-range communication technology that uses magnetic field induction to connect devices when they are in direct contact or close to each other. NFC operates within a range of about 1-10cm. It uses radio waves at the frequency of 13.56 MHz to transmit data at a low speed, around 424 Kbps. Each NFC device has a unique identification code to authenticate with each other before data exchange.

NFC has become a popular and convenient method of communication in our daily lives, especially in access control systems. With NFC, the transmission of information has become quicker and more convenient than ever before.

  1. An access control system using NFC technology includes:
  • NFC card/mobile device: Carries personal identification information.
  • NFC reader: Reads information from the card/device upon contact.

  • Controller: Verifies information from the reader and decides access

  • Software system: Manages database, rules, and access history, interface for managing data and access reporting

  • Electronic door lock: Lock opens with valid access confirmation.

2. Applications

  • Access management to buildings, elevators, parking lots: Allows easy and secure access with an NFC card or mobile device.

  • Restricted area control: Ensures security for hospitals, labs, and other sensitive areas.

  • Automatic attendance: Optimizes the attendance process at workplaces, schools, or events.

  • Remote access management: Provides and manages access rights flexibly over the network.

3. Advantages

  • Safe and secure: Information on NFC cards can be encrypted, minimizing the risk of copying or forgery.

  • Efficient: Automatic identification process enhances work efficiency and reduces waiting time.

  • Customizable: The system can be configured to control access levels in detail, depending on the specific requirements of each area or resource.

4. Access control systems using NFC technology by DUALi

With over 20 years of experience in developing and using NFC technology, DUALi offers advanced NFC readers and access control solutions with standout features.

4.1. For devices:

  • A variety of card reader types suitable for access control systems from readers that must be paired with controllers to standalone readers.
  • DUALi’s readers provide an open SDK, making it easy to integrate with other management systems.

4.2. For access control software solutions:

  • Clear control panel

  • Extensive integration with third parties

  • Easy access anytime, anywhere

  • Support for remote management

For specific advice on access control systems using NFC technology, please contact us:

Email: [email protected] or Hotline: 0904 609 689