Fingerprint recognition technology operates based on collecting, processing, and comparing users’ fingerprint images. With the significant advancements in information and communication technology, fingerprint recognition is not only widely applied in businesses and governmental agencies but also in daily life applications such as smartphones, personal computers, and other electronic devices.

  1. Applications of fingerprint recognition technology
  • Access & security: Access control system, smart locks
  • Mobile devices & electronics: Open/lock, login device
  • Finance & banking: Online authentication and payment
  • Healthcare: patient record management, access control in sensitive areas
  • Education: Student attendance, examination supervision
  • Public administration: Passports, citizen identification cards and other documents

Currently, this technology has become a popular method in access control systems due to its convenience, safety, and high security.

2. Access control system using fingerprint recognition technology includes

  • Fingerprint readers: Authenticate users’ fingerprints.
  • Software system: Manages databases, access rules, and history, providing an interface for data management and access reporting.
  • Electronic door locks: The lock opens with valid access authentication

3. Advantages

  • High Security: Fingerprints are a biological characteristic that cannot be easily forged, enhancing the security of the access control system
  • Convenience: No need to carry magnetic cards or remember passwords; simply use your fingerprint to gain access
  • Wide Applicability: This technology can be integrated into various devices and systems
  • Cost Reduction in Card Issuance: No need to print cards for employees, reducing the costs associated with issuing or replacing cards

4. DUALi’s access control system using fingerprint recognition technology

DUALi’s Duall Master system, when applying fingerprint recognition technology, has the following outstanding features:

  • Flexibility to integrate with various fingerprint recognition devices.
  • Easy tracking and recording of access-related data with clear and detailed dashboards and monitoring screens.
  • Extended integration with other management systems.
  • Access anytime, anywhere with the mobile application.

For specific consultation on fingerprint recognition technology in access control systems, please contact us:

Email: [email protected] or Hotline: 0904 609 689