The access control system is a technological solution used to manage and control access to specific areas within a building, company, or organization. This system helps ensure security, manage the entry and exit of employees, customers, and other individuals, and minimize risks related to security and confidentiality. However, during the selection and implementation process, many organizations and businesses often make some fundamental mistakes that lead to less than expected efficiency in usage

Below are the most common mistakes in access control systems:

1. Not clearly identifying the needs of the business 

One of the biggest mistakes that businesses often make is not accurately assessing their actual needs. Each business has different security requirements, depending on its size, field of operation, and level of risk. Failure to clearly identify specific needs can lead to choosing a system that is too complex and costly or, conversely, does not meet the security requirements.

2. Choosing a system that is not compatible with the current infrastructure 

Some access control systems may not be compatible with the existing technology infrastructure of the business, causing difficulties in integration and operation.

3. Not considering future expandability 

Many businesses focus only on current needs and forget that their business will grow and expand in the future. An access control system without scalability will soon become outdated and unable to meet the needs as the business grows.

4. Ignoring the ease of use factor 

An access control system, no matter how advanced, will not be effective if your employees do not know how to use it. Many businesses often overlook this factor, leading to inefficient use of the system and causing inconvenience during operation.

5. Not thoroughly researching the supplier 

Not all suppliers can meet your needs. Some businesses have paid a high price for choosing unreliable suppliers, leading to issues with product quality and technical support services.

Choosing an access control system for the business is an important decision and needs to be done carefully. Avoiding the above mistakes will help businesses choose a suitable system, ensure security for the business, and optimize operational efficiency. An effective access control system is not only an investment in security but also an investment in the sustainable development of the business.

When choosing Duali’s access control solutions, businesses will be specifically advised and guided on:

  • Identifying the areas that need control, the number of employees and visitors, as well as special requirements such as integration with the company’s human resource management system
  • The compatibility of the solution with the current infrastructure system
  • The expandability to add new features or expand the scale without having to replace the entire system…

For specific advice on the access control system, please contact us:

Email: [email protected] or Hotline: 0904 609 689