Visit management is a process established to control and optimize the reception, greeting, and management of visitors at a specific location. This is often applied at sites with high foot traffic or at venues with restricted access limits to ensure safety.

The visit registration and management process typically includes:

  • Personal information registration: This usually involves recording names, national ID numbers, and other contact details (address, email, phone number) by security staff or receptionists.
  • Check-in/Check-out with registered information: Visit is checked and verified based on the registered information upon arrival and departure.
  • Visit information storage: Information and the history of visit entries and exits are stored in a system for future management and reference.

However, with the current prevalent manual registration and management processes, users may face several issues:

  • Time-consuming registration procedures.
  • Errors during guest information processing.
  • Loss of archived records, making retrieval difficult when needed.

To address these issues, the application of national ID card readers offers a comprehensive solution in visit management with the following benefits:

  • Minimizing registration time: A simple scan of the national ID at a dedicated device can upload all guest information to the system quickly, within less than 2 seconds.
  • Automated processing and storage of information, eliminating errors typical of manual data entry.
  • Personal information and the entry history of guests are stored in the system, facilitating easy retrieval when necessary and avoiding loss associated with manual storage methods.

Understanding these significant advantages, DUALi has developed a solution integrating national ID card readers into the visit registration and management process. Specifically:

  • Personal information registration: Visitors scan their national ID at a dedicated device. All personal information is backed up in the system. The system uses the visitor’s photo on the national ID for FaceID identification and generates a QR Code that guests can use as a QR-Code identifier for entry and exit. This entire process takes place in less than 5 seconds.
  • Check-in/Check-out with registered information: Visitors can use FaceID or QR-Code for entry and exit within allowed areas and times.
  • Storing visit information: All visit information along with the history of entries and exits are stored in the system, convenient for retrieval at any later time.

Detailed video:

For detailed consultation on the above visit management solution, please contact us:

Email: [email protected] or Hotline: 0904 609 689